the nutcracker


superhuman strength : to lift heavy objects or cause colossal damage.flight : to fly— even breaking the sound barrier.healing factor : to heal from any physical injury .air manipulation : controlling or "bending" the air & manipulate it at one's will .


rita was born and raised in new york to jewish-christian couple . soon after her birth little rita got compound v injection due to her father wanting her to be one of those chosen supes & rise to fame . her family (on her mother's side) was forced to flee from austria to america during wwii after neighbors exposing their jewish heritage .rita's mother & father were both born in america , eventually meeting as young adult & pretty soon got married to each other . shortly after their marriage rita was born , but her father wasn't ( too ) happy about her gender as he wished for a boy . so he had the brilliant idea to ( make ) a man out of her by getting compound v . she should be strong like a man after all .a few years later when rita was old enough her father started to train her hard , giving a ( child ) almost impossible tasks to solve and to the girl it was living hell but unfortunately , her mother didn't have the courage to say something to stop her father from his tyranny .when she was thirteen her mother was pregnant again with twins— both boys and thankfully her father soon forgot about rita's training & most importantly. . . he left her alone . finally his dream of having two strong boys would come true , already planning to give the babys compound v as soon as they were born .however , they weren't destined to live . only a few months later when rita and her mother were going for a walk , a truck hit them both , deadly injuring her mother & the unborn siblings . thanks to her healing powers she survived but realized , her mother & even the driver were instantly killed— rita's steel-like body destroyed the car completely.this traumatising event left her alone with her horrible father who blamed poor rita how she didn't save her mother and her baby brothers . the coldness of their relationship often made run away from home but he always dragged her back . her dad became an alcoholic , always blaming rita for everything that went wrong in ( his ) life & yet he actively tried to profit from his miserable child . her father was in charge of all of rita's contracts with vought due to her being a minor . he signed a life long contract & choose rita's alter ego name . during that time he didn't miss a chance to get money from rita's gigs — she was the only one making money at that time .as soon as rita reached her 18th birthday however , she left her abusive father behind and moved into her own apartment , graduating high school and soon attending godolkin university . thanks to a few show appearances & commercials back in the day she was already known to people so she could continue to actively work while also attending university .after graduating vought get bolder and let her patrol on the streets of new york . befriending fellow supes and even temporary being in a b-lister supe team . however during that time she had difficulties working with others , remembering how her father raised her with a 'lone wolf & survival of the fittest' mentality . she did leave the team on good terms .then in 2020 when stormfront got exposed to the world for being a n@zi , rita met ( the ) homelander for the first time in person . it wasn't too pleasant due to rita's attitude but it ended with a one night stand she deeply regretted .
that year , though , took a toll on her mentally , not really feeling herself anymore & disappeared without a goodbye to anyone .
for the rest of the time , she was in florida , taking care of her father who was terminally ill , paying for his medical bills & trying to make peace with her long-hated dad before he dies . she nursed him until his very last breath but ultimately , there was some peace in his death like a heavy burden falling from her shoulders .leaving florida , she came back to new york in 2022 as if nothing happened , continued her work & even found a kitten in a dumpster she raised .her 'new' life needed a change however . being free from her father now that he was dead & buried , she felt suddenly very ambitious & wanting to climb up the career ladder which meant : the seven . before her freedom she never cared about fame or the seven . now it was her goal .the scandals around homelander's birthday speech & the sudden appearance of soldier boy made it difficult to achieve anything , backing up for now . during the vought scandal ridden days she befriended a supe named atalanta and they became best friends .without stan edgar on top , rita was somewhat unsure of vought's future , knowing homelander wouldn't be a good leader after all . already looking for alternatives , she began to collect dirt on vought in case she needed it one day . . .(TBA)

( vought's ideas )

the original suit :

the new suit ( 2022 version ) :